« on: December 12, 2015, 03:31:36 pm »
Not sure what's up with the Double Post, I came in yesterday and edited with the Update, Came back today, and there are 2 posts of the same thing.... I'll try and delete if it lets me...
Ok, I WAS able to recreate this on the Localhost this morning, And I've had this happen before with Ez-Portal/Blocks, It's pushing over to the Right like that because when I added the Information Block (ParseBB, But I don't think that matters), If I use "Center" and Forget to Click "Visible Option" Portal Page ONLY, It does that in certain places on the Forum...
Now I DID Click Portal Page Only, And I Believe it was STILL trying to Display it On the Arcade Page, So Either the Arcade Is trying to put it there, OR Ez-Blocks THINKS it's the Portal Page, Or Whatever, Really don't know the ins-n-outs on it but that's the Basics......
Giving you everything I can Understand on it..
Now yesterday, I figured that was it, But I went into Easy Blocks and Of Course, Disabled What I had just done, But It was still there, and the forum list was gone, (Like it was on the Portal Page But Not??? Because The other Portal Blocks weren't there...), THEN This Morning on localhost I just clicked the delete icon on the the Block and everything came back to the way it was...
Fixing to play around some more on localhost, I'll let you know if I have anything new.